Risk Partners Life Sciences Roundtable 2024, thank you very much! Already for the 26.06.2025 >

Risk Partners at the Financial Lines Forum

13th Hamburg Financial Lines Forum.

On October 12 and 13, the 13th Hamburg Financial Lines Forum took place with the participation of Risk Partners, a traditional event that was once again used this year to discuss current trends.

  • The program began with an overview of current developments and the handling of claims in the Financial Lines, presented by Gabriele Schreiber-Sahin and Michael Hendricks.
  • Dr. Oliver Sieg then shed light on directors' and officers' liability and European legislation in connection with the requirements for cyber security management in companies.
  • The topic of the existence of cardinal obligations in corporate law and their significance for D&O insurance was addressed by Prof. Dr. Jan Lüttringhaus, LL.M. (Columbia), Maître en droit and Prof. Dr. Stefan Korch, LL.M. (Harvard).
  • In the afternoon, Markus Fleck, LL.M., spoke about the challenges of cyber insurance for underwriting,
  • while Prof. Dr. Stefan Kröll discussed the suitability of arbitration proceedings for coverage disputes in excess of loss insurance. 


In addition to professional exchange, we were also able to assert the interests of our clients with the insurers on site and, as financial lines specialists, we are already looking forward to the 14th Forum.

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