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Commuting accident insurance

Properly insure the transportation of the volunteer and the person accompanying them to and from the clinical trials.

Medical progress is not possible without research. Before drugs and medical devices are approved, their effect, mode of action and safety must be tested on humans. This is done in clinical studies. In addition, new examination and treatment methods are also tested in clinical trials in order to gain scientifically sound findings. This participation is associated with increased health risks for the test subjects.

While we discussed volunteer insurance in Part 1 and radiation liability insurance in Part 3, in Part 2 we would like to take a closer look at commuting accident insurance for clinical trials so that you are aware of the possible types of insurance for your trial and can make an informed decision. In this context, we would also like to refer you to our series of articles (Article 1 on patent disputes) in Transcript 2024.

1 Who benefits from commuting accident insurance?

The insurance for participants and their accompanying persons in the clinical trial is taken out with a special insurer approved within the scope of the AMG or MPG - usually with the help of a special insurance broker such as us as your risk partner. This is often combined with the provider of the trial participant insurance.

Watch out for loss of consciousness in commuting accident insurance!

Our experience in the event of a claim has taught us that loss of consciousness is not considered an insured claim in many circumstances. On the other hand, ethical standards of duty of care oblige us to provide the test subjects with appropriate care - in case of doubt, by providing an overnight stay in inpatient care. As a specialist insurance broker, we therefore make sure that this is insured for you.

2 What does commuting accident insurance cover?

The aim of commuting accident insurance is to insure the journey to and from the study center for the participants (and accompanying persons) of the clinical trial. This includes, for example, classic accident risks that can befall the trial participants. For example, there has been a serious fall from a bicycle with serious consequences for the trial participant(s).  

In the event of disability due to an accident, participants receive a fixed one-off payment from the commuting accident insurance. If a test person dies, the surviving dependents are covered by the agreed death benefit.

As can be seen from the example, the choice of mobility plays no role with regard to the insurance cover. It is therefore irrelevant for commuting accident insurance whether the outward and return journey was made by train, bicycle, car or on foot .

3. who needs commuting accident insurance and when do you need it?

In addition to sponsors or CROs with a duty of care, demand is often driven by the ethics committee. This is because the ethics committees are paying more and more attention to the risk of commuting and are therefore increasingly demanding insurance cover for this in addition to traditional volunteer insurance. We therefore receive typical requests for commuting accident insurance:  

  • Pharmaceutical manufacturers
  • Biotechnology company
  • Research organizations (universities) / CROs
  • Producers of medical devices
  • Generics manufacturer

4 What are the other special features of international clinical trials?

For a long time, it was challenging to insure the risk of commuting accidents outside of Germany. This situation has changed, not least thanks to tireless discussions between our colleagues at Risk Partners and the insurers, so that you can now also benefit from the promised benefits of German commuting accident insurance for test persons abroad.

International study? We are familiar with the entire problem, because there is hardly a country in the world where we have not yet accompanied a clinical trial. We are happy to use our long-standing, reliable contacts with leading insurance companies and work together with what is still the most important insurance market in the world: Lloyd's of London. Last but not least, we were recently able to further strengthen our team with our experienced colleagues from Atrialis GmbH - experts in clinical trial insurance

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